Webform — BookNet Canada

Webform for ONIX creation

The small-business solution that makes metadata easy.

Webform is an easy-to-use online tool that allows small operations to create and manage book metadata, without messing around with complex ONIX files.

It's for small presses, unconventional publishers, museums, universities, self-published authors… anyone who wants to provide clean, accurate metadata about their books to the supply chain but may not have the resources to create complex ONIX files from scratch.

Once you've created your records in Webform, you can export them to BiblioShare with just a few clicks.

With Webform you can…

  • create bibliographic records for your books from scratch using a simple, intuitive form;

  • import bibliographic data from an ONIX file into Webform for further editing;

  • validate your bibliographic data according to ONIX rules;

  • download your data as an ONIX file and send it to all your trading partners;

  • export your data directly to BNC BiblioShare with just a few clicks, which will make it available on sites that include 49th Shelf as well as through BiblioShare's data distribution services;

  • and duplicate your print book data to quickly and easily create metadata records for your ebooks.

Plus, Webform now supports <BASICMainSubject> tags for BISAC codes, which makes it easier for you to send Webform exports to Indigo. BiblioShare and CataList also accept <BASICMainSubject>, so this change will not affect your export workflows to these services.


Annual subscription pricing is based on the number of title records (ISBNs) your organization creates or maintains using the Webform. We offer a 25% discount for publishers who are also subscribed to CataList.

Annual Price

$50 $100 $150 $175 $200 $375

Record Limit

10 25 50 100 200 500
To create an account with over 500 records, please contact us for a quote.

No contract required: you can cancel your account at any time, and take a download of your full ONIX record(s) with you.

Send us a message to request a live demo or ask us any questions. Or just sign up now below!