LibraryData — BookNet Canada


No holds barred.

LibraryData collects weekly circulation data from over 80 public libraries across Canada representing approximately 25% of the Canadian English-language population. Library staff, their suppliers, and publishers can use LibraryData to investigate trends, identify collection opportunities, and more.

SalesData is included with access to LibraryData. With SalesData & LibraryData, libraries can examine their performance in context with retail sales and publishers can access a full view of their titles' performance in the Canadian market. And everyone can drive discovery through the production of overall ‘Popular Books’ lists; examine trends by genre, regions, authors; and more.

Libraries who contribute their weekly loans, holds, renewals, on order, and collection holdings data and pay a fee will gain access to, in addition to SalesData & LibraryData, the following benefits:

  • Subscriber-only research — our range of studies cover the sales impact of literary awards, consumer and patron behaviour, monthly sales reports, and more

  • Bibliographic data resources — access data and images for more than 3 million records, including ONIX, MARC records, samples, interior and author images, position files, and more

  • CataList — Free access for library staff to view publishers' forthcoming title lists.

Who can use LibraryData?

  • Library systems, including individual branches and their staff

  • Publishers and distributors

  • Sales agents

  • Wholesalers

  • Library wholesalers

  • Literary agents

  • Retailers of all shapes and sizes

There is no public access to SalesData & LibraryData, but we do have public resources and handle media requests.

What can everyone see?

  LibrarianPublisher Distributor Wholesaler Sales Agent Retailer Indie Retailer Literary Agent

Library Snapshot

All Reports
(Popular Books, Book Activity,
Collection Gaps, Bestseller Circ, Trend Analysis)

Aggregated Library Circulation Data
(Loans, Holds, Renewals) for All Items

Aggregated Library Collection Holdings Data for all Items
(Copies Owned, Copies Out, Copies On Order)

Library-Level access to Circulation and Collection Data








Access to Research Reports

* With the permission of the library