What's in a Name?
Okay, we are data nerds. Data junkies, even, if you will. We spend time (a lot of time) looking at and thinking about how to make data more accessible, both for people and for machines.
Sometimes issues crop up in the data that are complicated and nuanced and take time to unravel to get the data flowing smoothly again. This isn’t one of those issues. This is an easy check that you can do on your own records that could make a big difference in making sure your data can be processed and retrieved correctly.
If You Build It, They Will Build
As the book industry focuses on reaching web-enabled readers, there’s an increasing need for technologies, like apps and APIs, that can be built quickly and altered often. This is why last month, a week before BookExpo America, New York played host to a significant publishing event: the Publishing Hackathon!
Introducing BNC's BiblioShare Webform
Bullish on Content APIs
How do you make your content available to all those new mobile devices? How about linking your Content Management System with software X? What about linking your content more closely with your metadata? Perhaps the overall question is how do you make your content agile? There are numerous answers to all of these questions, but one way to get your data out there may be to make it available via an API.
Last fall at one of the CMPTO events Pearson did a presentation on some of their newly available content APIs and one or two of the projects being built using their APIs.
Making SalesData Easy on the Eyes
Getting Data Dropped: Support and Update Your Records
Canadian Bookshelf, eh?
If you haven’t already visited, Canadian Bookshelf, I would highly recommend you take a little time to do so. The site itself looks great and there is a plethora of great (Canadian) content already there with more to come. I won’t go into all the features and functions of the site here as you can just go and try it out or read about it on their blog, but I will point out why we like this project in one word: collaboration.