Research & Analysis

The Reading Habits of Americans

Even though they sit at the well-spring of a globe-spanning media industry that lays bare their smallest hopes and fears, Americans still have the capacity to surprise us. Today’s surprise? This fascinating study, commissioned by Random House, executed by Zogby International. It is packed with all kinds of intriguing tidbits about that most understudied species, The Reading American.

Is Email Archaic?

It’s all about the data and Mary Meeker is considered by many of the digerati to be queen of the data of the internet. Her influential state-of-the-nation presentations look at data points that help us understand what has happened in the internet industry within the last few years, and the most likely places for substantial growth in the next phase of this industry.

In classic BookNet style here is a ranking of top websites 2005 vs. 2008…