An interesting analysis has now come out from JP Morgan analyst Imran Khan on the reasons why everyday folks would or wouldn’t purchase a Kindle.
Kids These Days, Not So Much with the Piracy (Yar!)
Streamlining Metadata Workflow Paper
The NISO and OCLC have published a white paper on Streamlining Metadata Workflow [pdf] that looks very interesting. I haven’t had the opportunity to wade through all 22 pages yet (fun for the weekend), but it looks interesting and worth the effort.
Canada (Really!) Reads: Canadian Q1 Book Sales up 5% YoY, While US and UK Both in the Red
"The Meyer 4%": First Six Weeks of 2008 vs. 2009 Category Market Share
Table, Pie, Bar, Bubble, Scatter...
E-Books Are Coming: BNC Research Can Help
Everyone Games
The PEW Internet & American Life Project has released a study on “Adults and video games.” The study says that “Some 53% of American adults age 18 and older play video games,” and that 21% play a game everyday. That’s a lot of people playing a lot of games.
A Christmas Story
The Wall Street Journal reported on a press release that Comscore, a company that tracks just about everything online, released. Comscore has forcasted flat growth for the 2008 holiday e-commerce spending. They report an unprecedented 4-Percent decline during the first 23 days of November vs. corresponding shopping days in 2007.
What I found interesting in the WSJ article was a comment at the bottom by someone lamenting the demise of the shopping experience in Shopping Malls.
What I found interesting in the WSJ article was a comment at the bottom by someone lamenting the demise of the shopping experience in Shopping Malls.
Go Viral, Get Paid
Attributor, a company that makes its money helping publishers of web content attach ad revenue to their offerings, put dollars to speculation in a just released study.