Research & Analysis

Infographic: Introducing the Canadian book buyer

Our awesome intern has combed through our new free report The Canadian Book Buyer 2015 and used some of those results to create this beautiful fall coloured infographic. Check it out for an overview of today’s book buyers: who they are, where and how they’re making their purchases, and what they’re buying.

Secrets of grownup colouring revealed!

How do Canadians love adult colouring books? We have counted the ways.

A couple of weeks ago, we shared a blog post all about the recent uptick in colouring books for grownups, along with a quick poll to find out who’s buying these books and why. Now that the poll is closed, we can dig our greedy fingers into the data and finally get some answers.

Ask A Reader: Letting kids choose their own books

We’ve reviewed the questions submitted during our Ask A Reader campaign and realized that some of the answers could be found in recent research we’ve already conducted. Huzzah! So we’ve taken to the blog to share some of that data, which you’ll find in a series of posts over the next few weeks.

First up: at what age do kids choose their own reading materials?