BookNet Canada June 8, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata Using Thema to identify diverse content in product metadata: worked example #3 *Pride Month Edition* BookNet Canada June 8, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata Featuring The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta.
BookNet Canada May 11, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata Using Thema to identify diverse content in product metadata: worked example #2 BookNet Canada May 11, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata Featuring A Moon for Moe and Mo by Jane Breskin Zalben, Illus. by Mehrdokht Amini and A Sweet Meeting on Mimouna Night by Allison Ofanansky, Illus. by Rotem Teplow.
BookNet Canada April 19, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata Using Thema to identify diverse content in product metadata: worked example #1 BookNet Canada April 19, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata Featuring Under my Hijab by Hena Khan, Illus. by Aaliya Jaleel and Ramadan: The Holy Month of Fasting by Ausma Zehanat Khan.
Lauren Stewart April 15, 2021 ONIX, Standards & Metadata Counting down to ONIX 3.0: The final countdown Lauren Stewart April 15, 2021 ONIX, Standards & Metadata Where is the Canadian market in the transition to ONIX 3.0?
BookNet Canada April 6, 2021 ONIX, Standards & Metadata ONIX Office hours are back! BookNet Canada April 6, 2021 ONIX, Standards & Metadata Join our ONIX 3.0 Transition online group sessions!
Tom Richardson February 16, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata The whys of main subjects in Thema and BISAC Tom Richardson February 16, 2021 Thema, Standards & Metadata Providing a single Thema subject code in all entries as a main subject is essential to you and your supply chain partners.
BookNet Canada February 2, 2021 ONIX, Standards & Metadata ONIX Codelists Issue 52 released BookNet Canada February 2, 2021 ONIX, Standards & Metadata Here’s what you need to know about the latest updates and additions made to ONIX codelists.
Lauren Stewart December 22, 2020 ONIX, Standards & Metadata Counting down to ONIX 3.0: Winter is here Lauren Stewart December 22, 2020 ONIX, Standards & Metadata Here’s what’s changed since our last update.
Hannah Johnston December 21, 2020 Standards & Metadata 2020 BISAC subject codes: Out with the old, in with the new! Hannah Johnston December 21, 2020 Standards & Metadata The 2020 edition of the BISAC Subject Headings List is now available for all your classification needs.
BookNet Canada November 27, 2020 ONIX, Standards & Metadata ICYMI: EDItEUR's 42nd International Supply Chain Seminar BookNet Canada November 27, 2020 ONIX, Standards & Metadata These are the sessions that we think are especially important for anyone involved in the book supply chain in Canada.