Kindle Power: Providing Books No One Else Can Get — BookNet Canada

Kindle Power: Providing Books No One Else Can Get

From ReadWriteWeb:

Since Amazon’s Kindle introduction to the world last year, the company has increased the number of available book titles for the portable reader from 90,000 to over 170,000. Most of these titles have also been available at significantly lower prices than their bookshelf counterparts. Amazon is now looking to use the help of the hype surrounding the elections this year to improve its Kindle sales. As of today, Amazon has announced that they will offer two new political books well before their publication dates exclusively on the Amazon Kindle.

As discussed below, here is where Amazon continues to dominate the eReading scene. It’s not enough to create a cool device to read fromwe already have those, they are called books. To chip away at market share, you need to give people something they can’t get from books. So give them content faster, make it easier to access and provide access from pretty much anywhere they are.

Maybe if we had more books on potential Prime Minister’s spouses, we’d have a Kindle up here too.

Read the whole story here.