BNC CEO Noah Genner To Speak at First Ever Digital Book World

On January 26th, 2010, our fearless CEO will be braving the winter winds (and seasonal TorontoNYC flight delays) to speak at the inaugural Digital Book World conference.

Noah is a part of a panel discussing Digital Tools: How the Sales and Marketing Process is Changing:

Long before we stop buying paper books in brick-and-mortar bookstores, publishers will be peddling those books differently. They already are. There is in place an industry-wide effort to create an e-catalog standard (Edelweiss) and a community of reviewers that can be served with electronic galleys (NetGalley.) BookNet Canada is also pioneering efforts with catalogs and sales data that are instructive. All of these changes are on the agenda of this panel.

Find out more about the whole agenda at If you haven’t yet registered and you want to, contact us at and we’ll send you a discount code.