#CMPTO Attention to Retail — BookNet Canada

#CMPTO Attention to Retail

It’s our last Code Meet Print TO of the year where, like last year, we’ll turn our attention to those who work up an especially good sweat in December: retailers! We also have a brand new venue for this round, the lovely Hotel Ocho.

We’ll be hearing from entrepreneurs who are addressing consumer challenges of access to information, experimenting with community-driven growth models, and creating engaging in-store experiences.

Our speakers are:

Ben Zifkin - Founder and CEO of Hubba, a brand-management platform that makes it easy for retailers and brands to manage and share their consumer-ready product information.

Joe Lasko - Program coordinator at Story Planet, a non-profit writing centre that offers free workshops to support children and youth (ages 6-18) in becoming creative and effective communicators. Story Planet is inspired and mentored by 826, a national writing centre for children founded by author Dave Eggers and educator Ninive Calegari.

Wendy MacKinnon Keith - Founder and CEO of Digital Retail Apps, which recently launched a prototype of SelfPay, an app that lets retail customers pay from anywhere in-store using their smartphones.

Here are some details to get you to the right place at the right time. We hope you’ll join us!

When: Monday, December 2, 2013; 6 PM
Where: Bar Ocho (in Hotel Ocho), 195 Spadina Ave. (map)
How: RSVP for the event on the CMPTO Meetup page.