Are your typography skills on point? Do you have a handle on InDesign exports? Think no one can make a fixed layout ebook like you can? At ebookcraft 2016, we want to put your skills to the test with a competition that separates the ebook design masters from the wannabes. (Actually, it should be pretty fun for everyone—we were just trying to seem dramatic.)
Want to participate? We know you do! Not only will you win some pretty hefty bragging rights, but did we mention there are prizes? You could win a one-year subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud ($900 value!), a three-month 25-titles-per-month subscription to FlightDeck ($120 value!), and more.
How it works:
Sign up as an individual or a team (limit: two people per team) when you register for ebookcraft.
We'll send you a deviously complicated EPUB file two weeks before the event. Your mission (should you choose to accept it): to transform this mess into a glorious, beautifully designed, platform-agnostic, fully accessible ebook. Note: All submissions will be made publicly available after the competition, so a CC-BY license is necessary.
Submit your file by Sunday, March 27, 2016.
Our panel of judges will QA all submissions across multiple e-readers and devices, and select a winning entry. The winners will be showered with prizes (and nerd glory!) at the end of the ebookcraft conference on Thursday, March 31, 2016. After that, the source code for all submissions will be made publicly available.
You've got skills, we've got prizes, so let's make beautiful ebooks together! Register for ebookcraft before Jan. 23 to take advantage of early-bird pricing before it's gone and secure your spot in our design hunger games (only with less murder and more code).