Top 10 scary Canadian books


Halloween is drawing near. If there's ever a time to read a scary novel it's this month! But which one? Let's turn to our handy data to see which books Canadians have been buying the most in the previous year for suggestions!

Keep scrolling past the infographic for full lists.

In terms of Canadian adult fiction, the following horror, occult & supernatural, and ghost stories were the most purchased:

1. The Troop by Nick Cutter
2. The Deep by Nick Cutter
3. The Memento by Christy Ann Conlin
4. The Hatching by Ezekiel Boone
5. nEvermore! edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles
6. Halifax Haunts by Steve Vernon
7. Cauchemar by Alexandra Grigorescu
8. Ghosts of Nova Scotia by Darryll Walsh
9. More Maritime Mysteries by Bill Jessome
10. Haunted Harbours by Steve Vernon

For non-adults, there's a book for every age in these top 10 titles! Horror, monsters, ghosts, and paranormal. Choose your poison!

1. The Nest by Kenneth Oppel
2. The Swallow by Charis Cotter
3. The Dogs by Allan Stratton
4. Je Veux un Monstre! by Elise Gravel
5. The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong
6. I Want a Monster! by Elise Gravel
7. The Calling by Kelley Armsrong
8. The Dark Missions of Edgar Brim by Shane Peacock
9. Haunted Canada 4 by Joel A. Sutherland
10.  Haunted Canada: Ghost Stories by Pat Hancock and Allan Gould 

What's your favourite Canadian scary book?