Tech Forum and ebookcraft 2019 registration open

We're happy to announce that registration for Tech Forum and ebookcraft is officially open! But we're even happier to announce our Tech Forum keynote speaker, Ritu Bhasin.

Tech Forum keynote speaker

Ritu Bhasin is president of bhasin consulting inc., an award-winning speaker, author, and expert in diversity and inclusion, women’s advancement, and authentic leadership. Her Amazon bestselling book, The Authenticity Principle: Resist Conformity, Embrace Differences, and Transform How You Live Work, and Lead, was released in fall 2017.

Photo of Ritu Bhasin.

Ritu will be delivering our keynote address, Disrupting Bias: Overcoming Our Discomfort with Differences. As we work to build a more diverse, inclusive, and innovative environment within the publishing industry, the critical first step is to identify and interrupt biases — in particular, unconscious biases. When we know how to interrupt and address biases, our workplaces are more inclusive, and our teams are happier, more engaged, and are better positioned to target diverse markets.

In this highly practical session, Ritu will draw on the latest neuroscience and leadership research to explore how discomfort with differences manifests within the publishing industry. Ritu will identify how to address challenges that arise when working across cultural differences with team members and authors, and provide strategies for becoming more inclusive and culturally competent when working across cultural differences.

Make sure you don't miss this talk! We won't be providing a recording of this session after the conference — it's a one-time, in-person deal.

Get your tickets today

You're in luck! Starting today until Nov. 15, we're offering our tickets at the best rate. Tickets are available for individual days or as discounted multi-day bundles. Get your super early-bird tickets before prices go up!

About Tech Forum and ebookcraft

Join publishers, retailers, libraries, agencies, and digital publishing professionals at Canada's largest book publishing conference. Three days of data-driven presentations, networking, and solutions-oriented conversations ranging from equity in the book industry to digital advancements in audiobook production:

  • ebookcraft workshops on Monday, March 18 are code-friendly workshops and demonstrations geared towards ebook production professionals (co-presented with eBOUND Canada)

  • ebookcraft main day is Tuesday, March 19 and provides wide-ranging talks on the opportunities and challenges currently facing digital book production, from standards to accessibility

  • Tech Forum takes place Wednesday, March 20 and it's where professionals across the book supply chain come to network and discuss the latest developments in marketing, audiobooks, inclusive publishing, metadata, consumer research, and everything in between

We'll continue to roll out details about our sessions and speakers throughout the fall and winter, but don't wait too long to register since ticket prices will go up as the event gets closer. 

We work hard every year to make each conference better than the last, so we can guarantee that this year will be awesome. 

Which event(s) should you attend?

If you're still unsure whether you should register for Tech Forum, ebookcraft, the ebookcraft workshops, or some combination of all three, take a gander at our flow chart and it will all become clear.

Flowchart describing which events you should attend.

If you have questions or comments, or an idea for a proposal, you can email us at or We look forward to seeing you in 2019!