Metadata and standards are to books what cookies are to Tech Forum — you can’t have one without the other. For this recap, we’ve listed five sessions that go over discoverability, metadata improvement, metadata for audio titles, ONIX, and more.
Audiobook metadata in ONIX
EDItEUR’s Chris Saynor goes over all facets of working with ONIX metadata for audio titles. What's different in ONIX for audiobooks? And how do you send good metadata for audio, including chapter-level metadata?
What is quality in metadata?
BookNet Canada’s Bibliographic Manager, Tom Richardson, looks at three issues that are top of mind when he thinks about metadata today: benchmarking, keywords, and “Canada” as a distinct market. These are three big ideas and Tom unravels them beautifully in this presentation.
Using Thema and ONIX to boost discoverability and visibility
EDItEUR’s Chris Saynor explains how Canadian publishers can make best use of Thema and ONIX to boost the visibility of Canada’s diverse range of writers both domestically and internationally. With practical examples and standards-forward arguments, Chris demonstrates how ONIX and Thema can help booksellers, librarians, and educators find titles for broad and varied audiences or for a very narrow and specific audience.
Conquering your metadata challenges: Increasing sales with better data
Joshua Tallent, Director of Sales and Education at Firebrand Technologies, explains why metadata is important, how it’s utilized by retailers, and how you can address the challenges you and other publishers encounter on a daily basis. You'll learn everything you need to know to take control of your metadata, build a comprehensive data strategy, and see an impact on your bottom line.
An introduction to ISNI
In this presentation, EDItEUR’s Chris Saynor and Tim Devenport, the Executive Director of the International ISNI agency, give an introduction to the International Standard Name Identifier. Do you know how to distinguish between Victor Hugo the writer and Victor Hugo the salsa musician? How does Margaret Attwood the Human resources specialist and author distinguish herself from Margaret Atwood?
They explain what the ISNI is, how it works, and look at some of its uses.
These and more Tech Forum presentations can be found on our YouTube channel, BNC blog, and podcast. You can also consult this schedule — all the sessions listed in purple have free online content available.
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