Codelists Issue 53a for ONIX 3.0 has been released.* Complete listings of the ONIX codelists in PDF and HTML formats can be downloaded from the EDItEUR website:
Issue 53 stand-alone codelist documentation as readable PDF or HTML
Issue 53 TXT, CSV, XML, JSON files for loading into your data management applications
Issue 53 XSD, RNG, DTD schema modules for use with existing XML schema files (but note that it is better to download the latest 3.0.8 schemas since they incorporate a handful of small improvements)
The ‘strict’ XSD 1.1 with Issue 53 (the strict XSD must be updated each time there is a new issue of the codelists, as it includes some codelists within the XSD itself)
The online browser for the ONIX code lists at has been updated to issue 53
Need help finding and using the documentation? Read this.
Everyone should review the document summarizing the changes and update their systems, embedded here for your consumption:
*A note to ONIX 2.1 users
ONIX 2.1 users should note that codelist updates no longer apply to ONIX 2.1 and users should continue to use Issue 36. ONIX 3.0 code lists and schema modules no longer contain codes or lists unique to ONIX 2.1. You can still obtain the correct ONIX 2.1 schema and codelists from the Archived Previous Releases page.
BookNet Canada still recommends that you use and periodically update your copy of EDItEUR's best practices guide. It’s an essential ONIX 3.0 guide, but much of the information in it applies equally to ONIX 2.1.
We’re here to help
BookNet would like to pause, catch its breath, and note to ONIX 2.1 users that there’s now over a full decade of new development available to users in ONIX 3.0. You should be considering what your systems need to support. ONIX 3.0 is easier to develop than you think, and it supports greater accuracy and detail in all aspects of data trading.
If you’re still in the midst of transitioning to ONIX 3.0, or learning as you go, you’re not alone. Transitioning is no small undertaking. If you’re struggling, have questions, or just need a friendly ear, don’t hesitate to contact us. BookNet is Canadian publishing’s standards organization, your standards organization. We’re here to help. How can we help you best?
If you’d prefer to chat with us and your peers, join us once a month starting at the end of April for ONIX Office Hours. Register here. Or read more BNC blog posts on ONIX & bibliographic standards here.
5 questions with Katherine Anderson from Gaynor Family Regional Library.