Users of BNC BiblioShare File Quality Reports may have noticed the appearance of a new citation about Country of Manufacture, so Tom has taken to the blog to explain.
We’ve made a few improvements to BiblioShare Webform based on great feedback from publishers who use the tool. We’ve added new fields to give you broader access to the ONIX standard and – for you CataList users – to make some data easier to transfer to BNC CataList. We’ve also added new selection functionality to help you customize your exports. Read on for a short run-through of the major changes that are now available on the site.
BookNet Canada is a non-profit organization that develops technology, standards, and education to serve the Canadian book industry. Founded in 2002 to address systemic challenges in the industry, BookNet Canada supports publishing companies, booksellers, wholesalers, distributors, sales agents, industry associations, literary agents, media, and libraries across the country.