The first-ever Loan Stars list has arrived — BookNet Canada

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The first-ever Loan Stars list has arrived

Toronto, ON – April 11, 2016 – Library staff across Canada have chosen the top 10 books being released this May

Loan Stars, a new readers' advisory service fuelled by the votes and reviews of Canadian library staff, has officially launched with its first monthly list. The list, featuring the top 10 books being released this May, was generated through a collaborative voting process hosted on e-catalogue service BNC CataList and will be published at

May's top 10 titles are, in order:

1) I Let You Go, Clare Mackintosh (9780451488596)

2) Do Not Say We Have Nothing, Madeleine Thien (9780345810427)

3) A Country Road, A Tree, Jo Baker (9780345816382)

4) Everybody's Fool, Richard Russo (9780307270641)

5) The Noise of Time, Julian Barnes (9780345816573)

6) Life Without a Recipe, Diana Abu-Jaber (9780393249095)

7) The City of Mirrors, Justin Cronin (9780385669559)

8) The Voodoo Killings, Kristi Charish (9780345815880)

9) Bad Singer, Tim Falconer (9781770894457)

10) Not Working, Lisa Owens (9780385686006)

Loan Stars was inspired by US-based initiative Library Reads, and is a joint collaboration between the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC)BookNet Canada, the British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) Readers’ Advisory Committee, the Ontario Library Association (OLA) Readers’ Advisory Committee, NetGalley, library vendors, independent Canadian publishers, multi-national publishers, and more. It provides library staff the opportunity to showcase their readers' advisory skills and is a rare opportunity to bring together the entire public library ecosystem for a mutually beneficial initiative. Loan Stars leverages the library community's knowledge and love of books to create a respected, go-to source for discovering the best new titles available in Canada.

Anyone who works at a library in Canada can create a free account on BNC CataList and start voting for future Loan Stars lists at any time. New lists will be released every month and promoted by Loan Stars, as well as our partner organizations, libraries, vendors, and publishers.

You can learn more about Loan Stars, sign up for updates, and connect with us on social media at

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) for this project. / Nous reconnaissons l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada par l’entremise du Fonds du livre du Canada (FLC) pour ce projet.

Media Contact:

Zalina Alvi
Marketing & Communications Manager (acting)
BookNet Canada 
(416) 362-5057 x 22